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No. 제목 게재일 조회
14 Removal of anionic dyes from water using citrus limonum (lemon) peel: Equilibrium studies and kinetic modeling
관리자 09.01.01 조회 : 134
09.01.01 134
13 Isolation and fractionation of natural organic matter: Evaluation of reverse osmosis performance and impact of fractionation parameters
관리자 09.01.01 조회 : 122
09.01.01 122
12 Amendment of hydroxyapatite in reduction of tetrachloroethylene by zero-valent zinc: Its rate enhancing effect and removal of Zn(II)
관리자 08.11.01 조회 : 102
08.11.01 102
11 Does current management of storm water runoff adequately protect water resources in developing catchments?
관리자 08.04.01 조회 : 132
08.04.01 132
10 Effects of quenching methods on HAA determination in chloraminated waters
관리자 08.02.01 조회 : 155
08.02.01 155
9 Catalytic hydrodechlorination of chlorinated ethenes by nanoscale zero-valent iron
관리자 08.01.17 조회 : 103
08.01.17 103
8 HAA formation during chloramination - Significance of monochloramine's direct reaction with DOM
관리자 07.08.01 조회 : 168
07.08.01 168
7 Influence of drought and municipal sewage effluents on the baseflow water chemistry of an upper piedmont river
관리자 07.08.01 조회 : 134
07.08.01 134
6 Reduction by bimetallic reactive materials containing zero-valent iron
관리자 07.01.01 조회 : 153
07.01.01 153
5 Effect of amorphous silica and silica sand on removal of chromium(VI) by zero-valent iron
관리자 07.01.01 조회 : 100
07.01.01 100