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No. 제목 게재일 조회
34 The effects of pH, bromide and nitrite on halonitromethane and trihalomethane formation from amino acids and amino sugars
관리자 12.01.01 조회 : 80
12.01.01 80
33 The impact of bromide/iodide concentration and ratio on iodinated trihalomethane formation and speciation
관리자 12.01.01 조회 : 88
12.01.01 88
32 An engineered cover system for mine tailings using a hardpan layer: A solidification/stabilization method for layer and field performance evaluation
관리자 11.12.15 조회 : 78
11.12.15 78
31 Removal of nitrate and ammonium ions from livestock wastewater by hybrd systems composed of zero-valent iron and adsorbents
관리자 11.12.01 조회 : 86
11.12.01 86
30 Adsorption of nitrate and Cr(VI) by cationic polymer-modified granular activated carbon
관리자 11.11.15 조회 : 84
11.11.15 84
29 Hydrogen production from sulfate- and ferrous-enriched wastewater
관리자 11.10.01 조회 : 79
11.10.01 79
28 Enhancement of fermentative bioenergy (ethanol/hydrogen) production using (ethanol/hydrogen) production using ultrasonication of Scenedesmus obliquus YSW15 cultivated in swine wastewater effluent
관리자 11.08.01 조회 : 92
11.08.01 92
27 Enhanced reduction of nitrate in groundwater by zero-valent iron with activated red mud
관리자 11.06.01 조회 : 127
11.06.01 127
26 Comparative effectiveness of mixed organic substrates to mushroom compost for treatment of mine drainage in passive bioreactors
관리자 11.03.01 조회 : 85
11.03.01 85
25 Feasibility of hydrogen production from ripened fruits by a combined two-stage (dark/dark) fermentation system
관리자 11.01.01 조회 : 81
11.01.01 81