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No. 제목 게재일 조회
44 Photoautotrophic hydrogen production by eukaryotic microalgae under aerobic conditions
관리자 14.02.04 조회 : 54
14.02.04 54
43 The effect of granular ferric hydroxide amendment on the reduction of nitrate in groundwater by zero-valent iron
관리자 13.11.01 조회 : 79
13.11.01 79
42 Emerging green chemical technologies for the conversion of CH4 to value added products
관리자 13.08.01 조회 : 77
13.08.01 77
41 Microbial transformation of dissolved organic matter from different sources and its influence on disinfection byproduct formation potentials
관리자 13.06.01 조회 : 79
13.06.01 79
40 Diagnostic analysis of offensive odorants in a large municipal waste treatment plant in an urban area
관리자 13.03.01 조회 : 66
13.03.01 66
39 Formation of haloacetic acids from dissolved organic matter fractions during chloramination
관리자 13.03.01 조회 : 86
13.03.01 86
38 Pilot-scale passive bioreactors for the treatment of acid mine drainage: Efficiency of mushroom compost vs. mixed substrates for metal removal
관리자 12.11.30 조회 : 72
12.11.30 72
37 The effects of selected preoxidation strategies on I-THM formation and speciation
관리자 12.11.01 조회 : 77
12.11.01 77
36 Performance of mixed organic substrates during treatment of acidic and moderate mine drainage in column bioreactors
관리자 12.10.01 조회 : 101
12.10.01 101
35 A novel chitosan/clay/magnetite composite for adsorption of Cu(II) and As(V)
관리자 12.08.15 조회 : 81
12.08.15 81